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Cable Car Challenge

Updated: Jan 25, 2019

My group and I created a car like object that had to go down the cable. I am happy to report that it was a success we did get the car to move about 15 feet. Things we could work on is the device itself like we could have had an actual device that we were all proud of but nonetheless our project worked.

The project was fun we did have a few minor setbacks but we ended up finishing it and now I believe we will get a good grade on this project

Brainstorming helped my group a lot, we couldn't figure out what we were going to do with this project right off the bat so we all gave some good ideas until we finally agreed on one thing and went with it. I encourage anyone who is doing a project to brainstorm on what it is you will be working on so that you make your work a little bit easier.

The only problem that we had with the project was we didn't test it I don't know if it was because we didn't have enough time or we just took to long but we couldn't test out our project. So if you do a project much like this one you should very much test it to see what you should change or keep the same.

Some characteristics that will make a great team is being able to work together and taking in everyone's ideas because no one's right or wrong in a group project

Here is how our project looks like

Partners: Jorge,Sebastian,Arnold,Eligio

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